Vessel Comparison

New and Noteworthy

Updated over a week ago

Side-by-side vessel comparison

A vessel comparison tool is now available in the RightShip platform to help you with your chartering decisions, by enabling the side-by-side comparison of vessels from our vast vessel database, with respect to:

o Main vessel characteristics, such as DWT, age and flag.

o Environmental indicators, including GHG rating.

o Social indicators, including crew welfare.

o Safety indicators, including the vessel’s safety score.

The Vessel Comparison tool can be accessed via:

1. The side menu in the RightShip platform, or

2. The ‘compare this vessel to others’ link that is available in the header of a vessel’s page.

You can add vessels to the vessel comparison table by pressing the ‘Add another vessel’ button. You can compare up to four vessels at a time.

Environmental indicators

Vessels can be compared with respect to important environmental factors that include:

  • GHG rating: The GHG rating compares a vessel’s CO2 emissions relative to peer vessels of a similar size and type using an A – G scale, with A being the most efficient rating.

  • EEDI/EVDI: The EVDI (Existing Vessel Design Index), or the EEDI (Energy Efficiency Design Index) provide an indication of a vessel's design efficiency, representing grams of CO2 per tonne nautical mile.

  • Energy-saving equipment: A list of energy-saving devices installed on the vessel to improve its operation, if any.

Social indicators

Vessels can be compared with respect to the following social indicators:

  • Crew Welfare: indicates whether the shipping company has completed the yearly crew welfare self-assessment, which showcases the company’s commitment to improve crew welfare.

  • ITF Flag of convenience: indicates whether a ship is registered in a sovereign state that it different from the ship owner’s.

  • ITF agreement: indicates where a valid agreement is in place between the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) and the shipping company.

  • Abandonment of seafarers: indicates whether cases related to abandonment of seafarers have been reported over the past five years against the vessel itself or the shipping company with the International Labour Organization (ILO).

Safety Indicators

Vessels can be compared with respect to the following safety indicators:

  • RightShip inspection: indicates whether the vessel has a valid and acceptable RightShip inspection status. If the vessel’s inspection status is expired or not available, you can directly initiate a request for an inspection directly from the vessel comparison table.

  • Safety score: The RightShip Safety Score incorporates various maritime data sets, industry standards, expert review, and statistical model into a score on 1 -5 scale, which provides an indication of a vessel’s safety performance, A 5 out of 5 safety score indicates best practice attention to safety over the last five years.

  • Targeted/Blacklisted: reports whether a vessel’s flag state is on a targeted or blacklist.

  • Associations/certifications/memberships: lists the different associations that the vessel and/or shipping company are a member of, along with any relevant certifications.

Print vessel comparison table

To print the vessel comparison table or save it as a PDF, click on the Generate Report button in top right corner of the page. Portrait mode is recommended.

Ensure that the ‘Background graphics’ option is selected in the browser’s print settings.

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