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Safety Score Rule Governance
Safety Score Rule Governance
Updated over a year ago

To ensure that vessels are achieving the right score and that companies can progress from Safety Score 1 and 2 to Safety Score 3, 4 & 5, RightShip’s expert superintendents review the “resolution” of the affecting rule within the RightShip platform.

The RightShip platform includes full systematic governance, where all correspondence, certificates and decisions are recorded within the RightShip platform and are fully auditable.

When each vessel triggers a Safety Score rule, the RightShip platform automatically places a notice on the vessel page highlighting the rule which has been triggered.

To resolve the rule, and achieve a score of 3 to 5, ship owners can request to have the Safety Score reviewed. The review process will require written justification and any associated documentation such as a Root Cause Analysis (RCA) or Corrective Action Plan (CAP). You can find the required resolution for each rule in the Safety Score methodology.

Each resolution must undergo a multi-approval process. This means that every review is escalated for a second review, undertaken by a second superintendent. The review cannot be completed until a second review of the evidence has taken place.

RightShip makes no guarantee that a vessel’s Safety Score will improve because of the review or that the Safety Score rule will be removed from the vessel. There may be cases where insufficient evidence is provided to demonstrate that the rule can be cleared and for the model to score the vessel at 3 to 5. Furthermore, because of any review and subsequent investigation a vessel’s Safety Score may also decline.

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