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The Safety Score
Safety Score N/A and 0
Safety Score N/A and 0
Updated over a week ago

Vessels with a Safety Score N/A

Sometimes we are unable to provide a vessel with a Safety Score, in which case we will highlight this. There are many reasons we why may be unable to provide a score.

Vessel types not included in the Safety Score:

  • Small, light pleasure craft such as motorboats

  • Tugs and barges

  • Ferries, RORO

  • Vessels under Government Service or within the U.S Reserve Fleet

  • Pleasure craft such as Cruise

  • Offshore supply, construction and platform vessels

Vessels types over a certain age do not receive a Safety Score (unless the vessel has a valid RightShip inspection):

  • LNG, CNG, CO2 & Combination Gas Tankers> 40 years

  • Dry Bulk (including Lakers), Container Ships, General Cargo, Ro-Ro> 35 years

  • Chemical Tankers, Product Tankers, LPG Tankers, Bunkering Vessels, FSO's and Well Stimulation Vessels, Combination Carriers> 30 years

Other vessels include:

  • Vessels no longer in service or still under construction.

  • Smaller vessels, less than 1,000 DWTs

  • Any other vessels not currently supported under the Safety Score

  • Elevated Geopolitical Risk

Rule for vessels with a Safety Score of zero

Sanctioned vessels will have a Safety Score of zero and users will be clearly informed of the sanctions, in order to meet regulatory requirements.

RightShip collects sanctions information from several sources. We identify any vessel or company with associations to a sanctioned country by checking their DOC, technical manager, beneficial owner, registered owner, commercial manager, vessel operator and Flag on a best endeavours basis.

We maintain lists of vessels and companies flagged as being sanctioned by the European Union (EU), Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC), Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and the United Nations (UN).

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