How to request a screening on Rightship platform?
Navigate to the RightShip platform and locate a vessel that you would like to screen.
On the vessel page, click on REQUEST NOW button on the top right corner, followed by request type 'Trade Check'.
Fill in the basic voyage information for the vessel and submit the details.
Yayπ! you are done.
How to view screening results?
After you submit the screening request, you will see a processing screen and your result will be made available once the data processing and calculation is done.
You will also receive an email notification once result is ready for your screening. ( This need to be set up by your account manager at RightShip. Reach out if you have any doubt)
There are 3 possible results for your screening request. Namely:
What happens to Exception Required screening result?
For screening requester, Exception Required screening will be escalated to your internal risk department for review and they will make a decision internally. Once such decision is made, you will be notified of internal decision result via both the platform screening result page as well as email notification.
βInternal risk department can access the escalated screening and make a decision via below methods.
Accessing the pending customer decision screening via the Task>Screening page. You can filter by Customer Decision - Pending to identify the screen that needs your attention.
βYou will also receive an email notification whenever a screening needs your attention. ( Please reach out to your account manager if you have trouble with this)
Internal risk department can access the customer decision page to review the failed soft rules and make a customer decision.
How to follow up with a negative screening result with RightShip?
You can always request a full vet with RightShip should you want RightShip to find out more about the vessel/voyage to assist your decision making. To request a full vet, click REQUEST VETTING