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Environmental Review
Submit your EEXI compliance documentation on the RightShip Platform
Submit your EEXI compliance documentation on the RightShip Platform

For existing customers in the RightShip platform

Updated over a week ago

If you would like to submit your EEXI compliance documentation, you will need to request an External Environmental Review.

  1. Log in to the platform.

  2. Navigate to a vessel page, click on the "Request an environmental review" arrow at the bottom of the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Rating section of the vessel page.

  3. Select the type of verification. In this instance, select the tick box "Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index".

    Please take care when selecting the type of review as you will unable to submit your EEXI compliance documents through any other tick box.

4. Alternatively, from the vessel page, you can click on the three dot menu in the top right hand corner and select "Requires environmental review".

5. Next, select the type of verification. In this instance, select the tick box "Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index".

Please take care when selecting the type of review as you will unable to submit your EEXI compliance documents through any other tick box.

6. You will be required to upload an endorsed EEXI technical file, and a copy of the IEEC if available.

7. From the technical file please fill in the form to provide the following information:

  • Tonnages

  • Auxiliary Engine Performance

  • Speed (EEXI)

  • Main Engine Performance (EEXI)

  • EEXI

8. If you select "yes" to the question "Is the vessel installed with Energy Saving Equipments?" you will be required to provide the category, equipment type and date of installation. You will then be required to attach the relevant documentation.

9. Finally, add any additional comments and click “Submit” to finalise your request. It will then be processed by RightShip and you will be notified of its progress.

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